Our ‘Community Grants’ is changing. This year we’re partnering with The Principle Trust Children’s Charity so we can make a big difference to underprivileged children in the region.
Making the announcement Mike Davies said “We are delighted that Skipton Properties has joined The Trust as a patron; they are a family firm with traditional values which align closely with our own ethos of supporting families. This partnership will form a significant part of our plans to expand services across the region”.
A bit about the Trust: Established in 2011 by Mike Davies, MBE, the charity serves families throughout Yorkshire, providing free respite holidays to children who are underprivileged, disadvantaged, disabled, have life-limiting conditions, or who have experienced poverty, trauma or abuse.

Their aim is to improve the mental and emotional wellbeing of children and provide some relief from the poverty, crime, disability, and any other disadvantage they may be enduring. Between 2011 and 2021, The Trust provided free holidays t0 4100 children. The Trust owns and operates six holiday homes, 2 in the Lake District, 3 near Blackpool and one in Ribble Valley.
Sarah Barraclough, our Managing Director, said “We are excited be joining the Principle Trust as patrons. Our family-first ethos is reflected in everything we do; from the design of our homes to our responsibilities to our employees. Our commitment to the Trust will help them to provide free respite holidays to dozens more families every year”

Why is there a need for what they offer?
As well as disadvantage due to poverty across the UK there are 1.2 million disabled children. Families with disabled children face extra costs, on average £581 per month and in almost a quarter of families with disabled children their extra costs can amount to more than £1000 a month. These extra costs will undoubtedly exacerbate circumstances for those families that may already be in poverty and unable to afford day to day living, never mind a holiday.
As a children’s charity they work with several referring partners, including teachers, children’s hospices, special needs schools, social services and other local authorities across Yorkshire.

How do they address the need?
The Trust currently own 6 holiday homes, 3 of which have been adapted specifically with disabled children in mind, one at Ribblesdale Park, Gisburn and the other 2 at White Cross Bay, Windermere. Their other 3 homes are caravans at the fun filled Haven Marton Mere site, near Blackpool. Each child that is referred to them and is eligible receives a FREE week at one of their holiday homes, along with their siblings, parents or carers.
What differentiates them from other small charities?
‘At The Principle Trust 100% of every £1 raised goes straight to the development of the charity and is not used for administration or wages. Our 2 full time and 1 part time staff salaries are paid for by owned company ‘Corporate Sponsorship’ who we also share an office with. We can therefore safely say that every penny we raise foes towards providing disadvantaged and disabled children (and their families or carers) a free respite holiday at one of our holiday homes. No other charity in Yorkshire provides 200 FREE holidays for underprivileged, disadvantaged, and disabled children per annum. What the charity offers is truly unique!’
Image credit: Stephen Garnett