
Homes on Wensleydale Avenue, Skipton

All homeowners that are affected on Wensleydale Avenue, Skipton should have received this letter via post but we wanted to upload online in case some of you did not receive it.

Dear Homeowner

You will have noticed a large drain cleaner on your road in the last few days.

As part of our survey work for our development, Elsey Croft, we found the drains that connect to your home to be in a terrible condition. The foul was blocked and effectively only working as a soakaway. The surface water was being affected by rubbish blocking the drains; easily visible when lifting the manhole covers as witnessed by one of the residents in your area.

As a responsible builder we couldn’t leave the drains as they were, we have therefore cleaned them all out. Our assessment is that the drains do not have a lack of capacity but have been poorly maintained. Yorkshire Water have been advised of the work that needs doing. We will also insist that they are better maintained going forward.

If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Head Office on 01535 639620.

Yours sincerely

Brian Verity

Managing Director