Esse Vista 500 Fire in our four bedroom homes

Esse Fires: Cullingworth and Settle

Beautiful stoves in our four bedroom homes

Esse Vista 500 Fire

We know our customers like to curl up by the fire on a cold night which is why all of our four bedroom homes in Cullingworth and Settle feature a traditional stove from British manufacturer, Esse.

The 500 Vista is the quintessential ESSE with their signature door arch styling and technologically advanced performance. Wide, clean glass offers an unrivalled fire view while an efficient fire box with tertiary air ensures great fuel economy. A high quality steel body gives Vista endurance and attractive cast iron detail on the top, door and feet complete the stove. The multi-fuel Vista is a simple-to-use 5kW multifuel stove including twin position riddling grate with both wood and mineral fuel settings. It has an efficiency rating of 83.5%.

The Esse 100 StoveIn our larger four bedroom home – The Rawley – at The Lees in Cullingworth we have installed a larger Esse 100 due to the size of the room. It features a similar styling to the Esse Vitsa 500 but is much larger and features a wider window.

Our fires are complemented by a natural stone hearth and wood beam.

The Esse Vista is installed in our Sharp and Oxley homes at Falcon Park in Settle and our Crawford home at The Lees in Cullingworth.

The Esse 100 is installed in our Rawley at The Lees in Cullingworth.

Source: Esse Brochure. For more information on Esse. Please click here.