
Bolton Road, Silsden: Public Consultation

Some of you may already know that we have acquired the land at Bolton Road, Silsden after seeing our signboard.

We are in the process of developing a detailed planning application and would like to ask local residents for their views regarding the development of this site for 62 dwellings.

The site has an existing Outline Planning Permission with Access details approved.  The consultation relates to the finer details of the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of the proposed scheme. We’d like your feedback on these details so we can make the best of the scheme for its future homeowners and neighbours.

A public consultation ‘drop-in’ event is being held and local residents’ are invited to attend.  The drop-in event will be an opportunity to find out about these details and members of the team will be on hand to answer questions.  The event is taking place at: Silsden Town Hall, Kirkgate, Silsden BD20 0AJ on Wednesday 14th November between 6pm and 9pm.

We’d love to see you there….