
£1,000 to Harden Primary School PTFA


Harden Primary School PTFA has benefitted from our £1,000 donation, which it will spend on improving the school playground.

We’ve given the PTFA the money as part of our charity initiative, which sees us give away £1,000 every month to support worthy causes in the areas where we build homes.

Harden Primary School PTFA is a small committee of six people who work with parents to raise money to help support the primary school. With very little extra funding available to the school, the PTFA works tirelessly to raise money so that it can provide extra provisions that benefit pupils.

Money it has previously raised has been used to buy outdoor play equipment and new books for the school, as well as paying for Christmas parties and school forestry trips.

Jenny Hird, chairperson of the PTFA, said: “We’re over the moon to receive this generous donation from Skipton Properties, which we plan to use on making some major improvements to the school playground.

“School funding is at an all time low, so donations like this really make a difference and provide much-needed extra funds that are spent on things that really benefit both pupils and staff at the school.”

Sarah, our Managing Director said: “It’s no secret that most schools are financially over-stretched, so committees like Harden PTFA make a huge difference.

“We’re delighted to have been able to help out and hope the pupils at Harden Primary enjoy the playground improvements that the money will be spent on.”

Apply for next month’s charity grant to be announced in October…..

We’d like to hear from other local charities in the towns and villages in each of its current and future developments launching over the next 12 months. The only criteria is that the charity benefits local people. Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis in advance of the next month’s charitable donation. Visit to complete your application.